Jun 21, 2020
Father’s Day
By: Greg Stiles
Series: Study in Mark
Joshua 24:15 The greatest act one can do is serve the Lord. In serving the Lord, you will learn how to serve your family better. In serving the Lord, you will learn what a good father is.
- Jun 21, 2020Father’s Day
Jun 21, 2020Father’s DayBy: Greg StilesSeries: Study in MarkJoshua 24:15 The greatest act one can do is serve the Lord. In serving the Lord, you will learn how to serve your family better. In serving the Lord, you will learn what a good father is.
- Jun 14, 2020Bigger Picture
- May 31, 2020Sent
May 31, 2020SentBy: Greg StilesSeries: Study in MarkAs people of God we are sent out by Jesus, told to trust Him as we go for all our needs, we will be rejected by some, but our success isn’t in souls being saved, our success is in being faithful to the call.
- May 24, 2020Point of View Matters
May 24, 2020Point of View MattersBy: Greg StilesSeries: Study in Mark
Our point of view matters when we come to Jesus. If we come with preconceived ideas, looking at Jesus through our culture, and through our experiences, and how we think He ought to be, then we will have a skewed pictures of Jesus.
- May 17, 2020Church Disrupt
May 17, 2020Church DisruptBy: Greg StilesSeries: Study in Mark
“Do not be afraid. Keep on believing.” We all live in a time of disruption. In all that goes on in life, God accomplishes what He sets out to do, no matter what the disruptions are.
- May 10, 2020Go To The Well
May 10, 2020Go To The WellBy: Greg StilesSeries: HolidayIt matters what well we go to and draw from. Jesus promises living water. That ever-refreshing, living water that empowers us and carries us through.
- May 3, 2020Don’t Mourn the Pigs!: A Life Can Change
May 3, 2020Don’t Mourn the Pigs!: A Life Can ChangeBy: Greg StilesSeries: Study in MarkGod is in the business of changing lives. There is no one that is too far from His forgiveness and grace.Concert video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QHyYzh_pHkConcert interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9z6oK3Y-zMAnother interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AnomA1dyQI
- Apr 26, 2020Don’t Mourn the Pig!: The War is Real
Apr 26, 2020Don’t Mourn the Pig!: The War is RealBy: Greg StilesSeries: Study in MarkThere is a spiritual war raging all around us. The story of the demoniac reveals three things to us this week: 1. The extent sin can take us 2. There is a spiritual war going on 3. The goal of the enemy
- Apr 19, 2020Don’t Mourn the Pig! Week 1
Apr 19, 2020Don’t Mourn the Pig! Week 1By: Greg StilesSeries: Study in MarkA multiple week study of Mark 5:1-20. A man's soul is more valuable than a pig...or anything else of this world. If we are not careful, we will tell God to leave us alone just as those who mourned the pig.
- Apr 12, 2020A Hope and a Future
Apr 12, 2020A Hope and a FutureBy: Greg StilesSeries: HolidayWe have a hope and a future found in Christ. The verse so often quoted was not directly written to us, but the ultimate promise and the principle applies to us today. Because of the risen Christ, we have a hope and a future.